
Module Requirements

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Perfex CRM SaaS module has a very low set of requirements. While every SaaS business is supposed to serve third party customers, a dedicated resources environment (VPS, Dedicated Server) is supposed to be used. Our module can also run at a shared hosting environment (as long as its properly configured*) but the support we currently provide for this item is for dedicated environments.

You can get a dedicated resources hosting from this link.

Here is a list of requirements for Perfex CRM SaaS module:

  • Perfex CRM v3.0+ installed (not-customized copies)
  • Apache or Nginx Webserver
  • PHP v7.4+
  • A top level domain ( or a sublevel domain ( etc)
  • Root MySQL user access
  • If SSL is used, you need a WildCard SSL (LetsEncrypt etc)

* Installation/Configuration services of hosting environment are not included in the support pack of this item. We do offer consultancy about those services and we can point you to the right direction, though.

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